As you pull out the holiday decorations, don’t forget to set your old, unwanted strands of lights aside! Some local businesses and organizations in the Fox Valley area are collecting old Christmas lights (and wire) to be recycled. Participating businesses include: Brick’s Hortonville Hardware 324/326 S Nash St, Hortonville, WI 54944 Bulk-Priced Food Shoppe W6482 […]
5,600 Lbs of Christmas Lights
Sustain Greenville recently concluded their annual Christmas light recycling event. A total of 5,628 pounds of lights and wire was sorted, weighed, and collected from the Fox Valley area. This is a massive amount of waste diverted from the landfill, and one of the many types of events that can help encourage the recycling of […]
Renewable Energy Townhall with Rep Amanda Stuck
Representative Amanda Stuck will be holding a townhall on renewable energy at the Appleton Public Library on January 4th from 5:30 – 6:30. The description on her Facebook page says: “Join Rep. Amanda Stuck in Meeting Room A at the Appleton Public Library. Rep. Stuck will share her experiences from traveling to Germany to learn […]
Tackling Barriers to Green Infrastructure: An Audit of Municipal Codes and Ordinances
The University of Wisconsin Seagrant Institute has released an auditing tool for municipalities to utilize in order to analyze codes and ordinances and their ability to create green infrastructure. Green infrastructure can be vital in stormwater management and provides both beautification and other benefits once installed. The webpage may be found here and the workbook here. If […]
Christmas Lights and Wire Recycling
As you pull out the holiday decorations, don’t forget to set your old, unwanted strands of lights aside! Some local businesses and organizations in the Fox Valley area are collecting old Christmas lights (and wire) to be recycled. Participating businesses include: Bulk-Priced Food Shoppe W6482 Greenville Dr, Greenville, WI 54942 Community First Credit Union N1230 […]
Fall Electronics Recycling Events
Three communities are holding electronics recycling events this fall. Please consider bringing your unwanted electronics and appliances to help keep hazardous waste out of our landfills. You may click the titles for additional information. City of Menasha: September 23rd from 8am to 12pm. Located at Menasha Utilties office building at 321 Milwaukee St. Some electronics […]
Homeowner Energy Efficiency Seminar October 22
Learn what you can do to save money and be comfortable at home! Event occurs Oct 22 at the Evergreen Credit Union, from 6:15 to 7:15 PM. Bring your smartphone or tablet with you. Please RSVP to Jeanine at 920-729-2999 by Oct 21st! Learn about: Home energy use and saving options, Online tools to learn […]
Joint Electronics Recycling Events April 25th and May 9th
Joint Electronics Recycling Events from 8 AM to Noon at three locations in Menasha, the Town of Menasha and Neenah. Please note that St Vincent DePaul will be at the City of Menasha and Town of Menasha sites on the 25th where they will be accepting reuseable clothing and household items. See the flyer below […]