Sustainable Communities Network Quarterly Meeting Minutes – December 2019

Sustainable Communities Network – March Meeting
12/5/19                      Location: Town of Greenville

Attendees: K. Thunes, C. Kasimor, R. Kasperek, J. Conrad, and R. Kanitz.

Greenville Stormwater Projects – Speaker Chris Pagels, Town of Greenville

  • Green Infrastructure: Mr. Pagels shared Greenville’s stormwater project from start to present day. Two portions of Greenville, the Fairwinds Drive area and Public Works Yard, were renovated to incorporate green stormwater infrastructure as they did not have any systems before. “Rain gardens” were installed with manufactured sand filters underneath. They were identified as hot spots with frequent standing water complaints. Homeowners on Fairwinds Drive were asked if they wanted a traditional looking “rain garden” with vegetation, or a turf covering. In the end, all homeowners asked for a turf covering. At the Public Works Yard, they choose a more traditional garden look.
  • Project Benefits and Outcomes: 60% overall runoff volume reduction, 80% TSS reduction, and 70% TP reduction. Little to no standing water, except immediately after heavy rain events.
  • Future Plans: They are looking to install Rain Gardens at the new fire station with a mulch cover on top.

Fox Cities Greenways Money

  • Money Division: Ms. Thunes suggested dividing the money left in the account by the number of communities that originally donated, and returning it to them. Mr. Kanitz suggested that the uneven remainder of money (some $70) be given to Greenways as a thank you for holding it in their account. An e-mail was sent to those not in attendance for any objections to this methodology. The money is being returned in hopes it will be used for Earth Day Celebrations in 2020, whatever that may be.

Additional Items / Next Meeting

The next meeting will be March 5th at 3:00pm. The topic will include Dark Skies Initiative. Location TBD.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 5:00 pm. 

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