Sustainable Communities Network Quarterly Meeting Minutes – September 2015

Minutes of Sept 10th the Sustainable Communities Network Meeting

City of Menasha Library

September 10, 2015 (Corrected Version)

Meeting called to order at 3:00pm by Jim Resick. Members present: Kathy Thunes, Linda Stoll, Roger Kanitz, Jeanine Knapp, Catherine Neiswender, Carol Kasimor. Guests: Steve Steinhoff and Malissa Dietsch, Capital Area RPC

  1. Project Updates:
    1. Sustainability Indicators Project: The committee has created a list of sustainability indicators for the communities in the SCN. Laurie Case has been creating Excel spreadsheet to capture the indicator data in.       We need to reach out to find another intern to start collecting the data. Catherine will send the intern description to local universities for possible interns.
    2. Outreach/recycling education – Menasha and Neenah are coordinating recycling dates. Roger handed out a flyer with details to share and promote. He discussed opportunities to continue to coordinate on co-promoting recycling and other events.
    3. Rain barrel education – no update
  2. Presentation by Steve Steinhoff of Capital Area RPC on their work on a national Plan4Health grant and creating an Active Living Index (ALI).   For more information visit the Capital Regional Sustainable Communities Network website –
  3. Forestry Project update: Roger Kanitz reported for urban forestry work group. He believes there are currently opportunities being missed because communities are not collaborating eg. CSA approach to planting fruit trees on public lands. For Hortonville and Waupaca, East Central WI RPC has offered to complete studies as part of its annual technical assistance program.
  4. Website Maintenance: Kanitz reported on website maintenance. Webmaster requests that billing be consolidated, so that he is not sending separate bills to each SCN municipality/town/county.       Roger asked SCN to consider naming one community or organization with official status as the billing and collection agency for SCN. Given the awkwardness of one municipality billing others for services rendered, discussion ensued on ECWRPC, FC Greenways, or other group being approached to serve as billing agent. Members were asked to investigate these options and report back.


Items for next meeting: 1) review indicators project in light of healthy living indicators and the livability index of Capitol Region; 2) changing time of day for future meetings of SCN, and 3) billing agent for server maintenance.

Next meeting was set for Thurs, Dec 3rd, 3:00 pm. Resick offered to have Outagamie County host. Meeting adjourned at 4:40 pm

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