Keeping chicken is a very practical way to get fresh eggs on a regular basis and offers other benefits like yard fertilization.
Many localities are allowing a certain number of chickens to be kept in backyards of urban and suburban lots. The following guide details the differences between the ordinances in the Fox Valley area. Please be mindful that the State of Wisconsin may enforce other registration requirements. You may find more information here: State of Wisconsin Backyard Chickens. The UW-Extension also provides information: Wisconsin Poultry.
Tip: Use CTRL + F to type in your community. You can find the specific ordinances by clicking on your community of interest and going to their website and then visiting the code location noted in the chart.
Updated 08-1-17
City of Appleton (Sec. 3-52)
Status: Allowed
Enacted: April 19th, 2017
Number of Chickens: 4 (total chickens)
Number of Rooster: 0
Annual Permit: Yes, pre-inspection required (Steps for obtaining a permit)
City Permit Limit: No
Neighbor Consent: Notification & 14 day objection period
Right to Appeal Objection: Yes
Resident Consent: Not noted
Application Rules: Consult City
Yearly Fee: $24
Coop Size: Consult City
Construction Details: Plan must be shown to Health Department ($145 one-time fee)
Enclosed Run Size: <24 feet
Stay in Penned Area: Not noted
Coop Location: Consult City for specifics
Slaughtering: Not noted
Surprise Inspections: Not noted
Penalties Noted: Not noted
Additional: City Peeps Appleton Citizen Group
City of Beloit (7.244)
Status: Allowed
Number of Chickens: 4 (total chickens)
Number of Rooster: 0
Annual Permit: Yes
City Permit Limit: Yes, consult City
Neighbor Consent: Not noted
Resident Consent: Not noted
Application Rules: Consult City
Yearly Fee: Consult City
Coop Size: Consult City
Construction Details: Consult ordinance for stipulations
Enclosed Run Size: Allowed, not noted
Stay in Penned Area: Yes, coop at night
Coop Location: To rear of lot, and >25 ft from adjacent lot structures
Slaughtering: No
Surprise Inspections: Yes
Penalties Noted: Denial of renewal if 2 or more violations
City of Kaukauna (Sec. 11.12)
Status: Prohibited
City of Madison
Status: Allowed
Number of Chickens: 4 to 6 (depending on classification of use)
Number of Rooster: 0
Annual Permit: Yes, Chicken License
City Permit Limit: No
Neighbor Consent: No
Resident Consent: Property owner and all residents using Chicken Notification Form
Application Rules: Consult application
Yearly Fee: $10
Coop Size: Not noted
Construction Details: Not noted
Enclosed Run Size: Not noted
Stay in Penned Area: Yes
Coop Location: >25 ft from adjacent lot structures
Slaughtering: No
Surprise Inspections: Not noted
Penalties Noted: Revoked license after 3 or more violations in six months
City of Menasha (Sec. 7-1-1)
Status: Prohibited
City of Neenah (Sec. 3-3)
Status: Allowed
Number of Chickens: 4 (total fowl including non-chicken)
Number of Rooster: 0
Annual Permit: Yes, register with Building Inspector (registration form)
City Permit Limit: No
Neighbor Consent: Not noted
Resident Consent: Not noted
Application Rules: See Building Inspector, require inspection for sanitary conditions
Yearly Fee: Free
Coop Size: <25 square feet unless an approved accessory building
Construction Details: Covered and enclosed enclosure
Enclosed Run Size: Not noted
Stay in Penned Area: All times
Coop Location: Single-family dwellings, and >25 feet from adjacent lot structures
Slaughtering: No
Surprise Inspections: Yes
Penalties Noted: Not noted
City of Oshkosh (Sec. 6-6)
Status: Allowed
Enacted: July 1st, 2011
Number of Chickens: 4 (total chickens)
Number of Rooster: 0
Annual Permit: Yes, License to Keep Chickens
City Permit Limit: No
Neighbor Consent: Yes, abutting properties
Resident Consent: Yes, if a two-family residence
Application Rules: Consult application, includes registration with the State of WI and
approved site plan
Yearly Fee: $15.00
Coop Size: Minimum of 7 sq ft
Construction Details: Consult ordinance for stipulations
Enclosed Run Size: Consult ordinance for stipulations
Stay in Penned Area: Yes, coop at night
Coop Location: Single and two-family dwellings, >25 feet from adjacent lot structures, and to the rear of the lot
Slaughtering: No
Surprise Inspections: Not noted
Penalties Noted: Not noted
Village of Fox Crossing (Article 7-8)
Status: Allowed
Number of Chickens: 4 (total chickens)
Number of Rooster: 0
Annual Permit: Contact Community Development
Neighbor Consent: Not noted
Resident Consent: Not noted
Application Rules: Contact Community Development
Yearly Fee: Not Noted
Coop Size: Not noted
Construction Details: Covered enclosure
Enclosed Run Size: Not noted
Stay in Penned Area: Yes
Coop Location: >25 ft from adjacent lot structures
Slaughtering: Not noted
Surprise Inspections: Not noted
Penalties Noted: Not noted
Additional: Fox Crossing Backyard Chickens Brochure
Village of Kimberly (Ch. 180-13)
Status: Prohibited
Town of Greenville (Sec. 76-4)
Status: Prohibited (Classified as Farm Animal)